Wednesday 29 February 2012

Proofing and indexing

Things have gotten a bit quiet in the last week or so least online.

One of the reasons for this is that I've now received the 'proofs' of the book, and I need to do the final read-through to make sure that everything is in order after the text has been copy-edited and typeset.

It's great to finally see how the book will  look (at least on the inside...the final cover isn't finished yet); in particular, it's gratifying to note that the various photographs that I've been able to include (nine in all) really add something to the text. There was a certain amount of effort (and expense) involved in getting those, so I'm glad to see that it was worth it.

The other task I've been tacking (which has taken up a lot more time) has been doing the index. Which is in some ways a rather tedious activity but in others has actually been quite rewarding so far.

Any advice on index-making from the professionals out there?

Anyway, there'll be more information here soon!

Meanwhile, there is rather a lot that's already here to spend some time looking through. So why don't you have a look.... 

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